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An Open Letter To Congressman Tom Reed About Impeachment: Pt. 1-Impeach Trump To Be True To Yourself

Submitted by Robin Messing on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 4:55pm

This is the first part of a two part letter to Congressman Tom Reed explaining why he should impeach Donald Trump. It covers topics not included in the House's Articles of Impeachment but which should be considered when evaluating Donald Trump's fitness to continue holding office. I believe that these topics will be of particular interest to Congressman Reed given what he has stated in the past. The second part of this letter debunks many of the Republican objections to impeaching Trump for his attempt to coerce Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 election.


I am writing this letter to you to urge you to impeach Donald Trump. I know my demand for impeachment will not come as a surprise to you since I have contacted you or your office before and asked you to support impeachment. I also know that you are unlikely to put much weight in my opinion because I am a liberal and oppose both Trump and his agenda. That is fine. Do not impeach Trump because of me. Impeach Donald Trump because of YOU. Impeach Donald Trump because much of what he has done is offensive to YOUR agenda. IF YOU FAIL TO IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP YOU WILL BE TURNING YOUR BACK ON WHAT YOU STAND FOR.

Republicans Storm the SCIF--or Send In the Clowns

Submitted by Robin Messing on Mon, 11/11/2019 - 5:52am

Matt Gaetz and over 30 House Republican Representatives stormed the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) where the House was gathering evidence for its impeachment hearings, cell phones in hand, and delayed Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper's testimony by five hours in order to protest what they claimed was an unfair process that lacked transparency. They did not like that the testimony was happening behind closed doors where no one could see it. They also objected to Trump not being allowed to have a lawyer present during the testimony to cross examine the witnesses and represent Trump's interests.  FOX News quoted the leaders explaining why they protested.


“We’re going to try and go in there, and we’re going to try to figure out what’s going on, on behalf of the millions of Americans that we represent that want to see this Congress working for them and not obsess with attacking a president who we believe has not done anything to deserve impeachment,” Gaetz said.


The Republicans specifically called out Schiff, D-Calif., who is leading the investigation.

“What is Adam Schiff trying to hide?” asked House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La. “I think that’s the question so many people have, so many of my colleagues have, so many people in the press should have.”

“Voting members of Congress are being denied access from being able to see what’s happening behind these closed doors where they’re trying to impeach the president of the United States with a one-sided set of rules,” Scalise continued. “They call the witnesses. They don’t let anybody else call the witnesses.”

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